• Quilting

    Event at Place de Arts

    Threads of Hope is an exhibition exploring our hope, longing and desire for the future of the world.The art pieces flow from one to the other with a ‘thread of hope’ connecting them, thus completing a line of artists, joining forces to improve our world. FAN (Fibre Art Network) would like to invite you to a showing of the Exhibit “Threads of Hope” . Venue: Place des Arts Address: 1120 Brunette Ave. Coquitlam, B.C. Date: April 1 – May 27, 2021 Contact info: call 604-664-1636 for an appointment to view the exhibit https://placedesarts.ca/events/fibre-art-network-threads-of-hope/

  • Quilting

    Touch of Orange

      This is the exhibit of work done by my local SAQA group that will be displayed at the White Rock Public library for the month of February. As quilt shows are not happening for a while, I thought that some of our members might want to venture out to White Rock to see some art work in person. Each piece is unique and techniques vary. I can mention the show in my remarks at the Feb. meeting and we can add it to our FB page with your permission. As a group, we have given permission for quilt guilds to…