• Quilting

    Blue Mountain Quilters Guild Update for May 2020

      Well, another month has gone by and we are no closer to getting together in the sanctuary of Trinity United Church. Regrettably, we are cancelling the June 5th meeting. The Board of Directors does not want to put anyone in jeopardy with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope all of you are staying physically and mentally healthy during this unexpected time of social separation. For those of you making preemie quilts, batting, backing and labels are still available for distribution. Please contact either Dawna (604-941-6075) or Maureen (604-461-9750) to arrange for pick-up. We ask that you please keep the…

  • Quilting

    Guild April & May meetings cancelled

    Message to the Blue Mountain Quilters’ Guild membership March 30, 2020 Please read the entire message As a consequence of the social distancing directive by our health care officials, the BMQG Executive has cancelled the April 16/20 Board of Directors meeting and the May 1st general meeting. The workshop scheduled for May 2nd has also been cancelled. We are hopeful that we will be able to meet in June but we cannot predict the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak. We have been investigating the possibility of making masks to help out the health care and community groups that are working to…