• Quilting

    World quilt competition XXII

    The World Quilt Competition XXII will be judged August 16-18, 2018 at World Quilt New England in Manchester, New Hampshire.  I am the Canadian Coordinator for the competition and ask if you would pass this information onto your membership. The deadline for contest entrants to postmark or email completed entries is May 14, 2018.  You may mail your entry and images (on a CD), or scan and email your entry form to me at quiltluverdebbie@netscape.net along with the full view and close up images of your quilt. There are many talented quilters living in Canada and I would like to encourage…

  • Quilting

    1st place in Lorna Shapiro’s challenge

    Congratulations to  Joanne Nelson for winning First place at Lorna Shapiro’s challenge.  You had to buy a grouping of fabrics from Lorna and make something from it.   Joanne worked on this at the fall retreat.     Lorna had a sale on Saturday and everyone that came, had to vote on their favorite out of 12 participants. To view 12 participants works. The first 3 are the winning quilts. https://photos.app.goo.gl/h6TyJOK4y0X2o7q13 1st Prize…. Joanne Nelson   2nd Prize…. Carol Pettigrew   3rd Prize….. Nadine Nelson.