• Quilting

    Happenings in the quilting world + Quilt Show reminder

    La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum has some interesting activities happening. For more information please see their events/workshop calendar They are also hosting a Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival last week of September. For more information click on the link. For activities in BC  see Upcoming events June Fat 1/4 themes for 2016/17 have been posted. Start collecting those fat quarters. Don’t forget to register your quilt for the show. —- Forms can be dropped off at Quilted Treasures  1140 Austin Ave, Unit 140  Coquitlam, BC V3K 3P5. —- Hours June to August  Tuesday-Saturday 10-5  September to May  Monday to Saturday 10 – 5 2016 Quilt Registration Form   …

  • Quilting

    June Meeting

    Was not able to attend the meeting. Hope everyone had a great time at the Garden party and wore your best hats.  Here is the Upcoming events for June.  Quilts to be entered in our quilt show must be registered by Sept 15. Form and rules available on our website Don’t forget to volunteer for our show. Have a great summer, see you in September.    

  • Quilting

    May meeting

    Membership: Monica Hay reported tonight’s attendance: 96, guests: 2, new member: 1, renewals: 1. She announced changes to the membership form and is now accepting renewals for 2016/2017. New form is available on the website. Fee remains at $35 for the year. Sunshine: 1 card sent to Bev Westra We Care: Diane Williams reported 12 preemies and 46 toques and 6 incubator covers were donated in April. We need 6 more quilts to meet our goal of 150 for the year. Program/Workshop: Tonight’s program is ‘Machine Maintenance’ with Bernie and Shelley. Renelle reminded members of the bus excursion on May 28…