• Quilting

    Mar 6 meeting

    Presidents Remarks Social media was a topic that was discussed at the last board meeting. It was decided that a meeting between the social media people was a good idea.  At the social media meeting it was decided that the website needed some changes. We now have a Facebook account that is open to the public. Don’t need to have an individual account to view our Facebook account. No posting only comments allowed. We now have a Flicker account but access is only by invitation to only guild members. Fraser Valley Quilt Show June 12 & 13 and are going to…

  • Quilting

    Feb 7 meeting

      Blue Mountain Quilters Guild Annual General Meeting. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer positions were re-elected by acclamation. Membership fees will remain at $35 for the 2015/16 guild year. Last night was our annual Valentine’s Tea. A challenge is issued to members to submit preemie quilts with prizes awarded by random draw. 75 preemie quilts were submitted. These will be going to the NICU at Royal Columbian Hospital. It was a great meeting last night. Anne and Wendy presented $1000 cheques to representatives from Coquitlam Search and Rescue and Aunt Leah’s Place. This was money earned from the quilt that was…