• Quilting

    Article in Tri City News

    The written article about the show and tell meetings is in the TriCity New July 9, 2020 pg A17               

  • Quilting

    Judy Ellis

    I am very sad to report that my dear friend, Judy Ellis, passed away this morning, June 7.  Judy and I have been  friends since the mid-eighties when we did course work together at SFU and UBC.  We were both teachers in Coquitlam, and became good friends through that association, and we  both eventually ended our careers teaching together at Riverview Park Elementary. Judy and I started quilting in 1997, and in 1999  we joined Piece Arch Quilters.  Judy was a charter member of Blue Mountain Quilters, and we were also both members of Dogwood Quilting Sisters in Coquitlam. Judy was…

  • Quilting

    Sad News

    Former Guild member, Marina Belanger passed away at the end of April.  She was a member of the Guild from 2014 to 2018 ,  during which time she was the Block of the Month coordinator for a year and won a ribbon in the 2016 Quilt Show for her turquoise bag made of Jelly Roll strips wound around cotton cord.  At the Mexican Christmas party, she was part of the ukulele duet.  Marina was an avid sewer with her latest interest being clothing pattern making.  Marina and  I joined the Guild the same day and she became my first friend after…