• Quilting

    Lorna Shapiro Workshop

    Pictured are some of the work in progress quilts from the Lorna Shapiro workshop this weekend. Had an awesome time and learned a lot about design and colors                  

  • Quilting

    April 24, 2015 meeting

    Reminder that we will not be having a meeting in May. Tonight’s meeting is going to be our May meeting. Programs Bus Trip May 2 – may consider doing something similar next year. June wrap up will have a summer challenge to be completed by Oct. We had Lorna Shapiro visiting us and showing many of her beautiful quilts.  Reminder her workshop is  May 16-17. Information about the workshop is found under  Program/Workshop . 2015-16 Program highlights Marven Ecker from Vernon will be coming Oct 3 for a workshop – Xmas ornament wall hanging. Wanda Mowry from Maple Ridge – scrape buster workshop Spring Retreat 40 people attended…

  • Quilting

    Mar. 27, 2015 meeting

    I was late for the meeting so several items will be missing.  Can report the following: There is still room on the 2nd bus for the bus trip to Sunshine Coast Quilt Show – May 2 2015 cost is $65. Still many spaces for Lorna Shapiro workshop May 16, 17 2015 Cost $75, More info under Program/Workshop. Spring Retreat is full actually overfull. Packages for the retreat will be delivered via email.  Friday event potluck please bring serving implements. Dinner will be at 6:00 pm.  Don’t forget to bring extension cords. Summer Retreat  Aug 21-23. Require commitments from min of 30 people…